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What Young Americans Seek in Political Leaders

October 2, 2024 by Scot Wilson

On September 17, the Sine Institute of Policy and Politics at American University released results of a poll that focused on the views of Americans ages 18-34. The survey was designed by the Sine Institute in partnership with Future Caucus and Close Up Foundation and was based on interviews conducted by Generation Lab, a data intelligence company that gathers and interprets the views and behavior of young adults. Last week, we explored young Americans’ levels of optimism and hope. In this post, we will explore the question of what young Americans are looking for in their political leaders.

When poll participants were asked to list the three most important qualities they look for in a political candidate, they listed a motivation to serve others as the highest priority. They also said they want leaders who actively listen to and consider the perspectives of others and who are willing to compromise to get results. Interestingly, they ranked all three of those attributes above the priority of a leader supporting the policies that the poll participants support.

One element of this survey that distinguishes it from many other political surveys is that it asked respondents to listen to eight short, AI-generated audio clips of a hypothetical candidate’s pitch to voters. The text of those clips, along with their labels, is shared below. Survey respondents did not see the labels.

  • Competence: “I’m running to work hard and get the job done for the American people. I have real-world experience and a track record of delivering results. If we stay focused and determined, we can solve even our most complex challenges.”
  • Compassion: “I’m running because I care about people. Good leaders are compassionate, active listeners. I want to make people’s lives better by truly understanding your concerns and focusing on what we have in common as human beings.”
  • Integrity: “I’m running because we need honest leaders with integrity who will serve others, not themselves. I’ll always do what’s right for the people I’m elected to represent, whether you voted for me or not.”
  • Authenticity: “I’m running because we need leaders who are willing to tell hard truths and be real with people. I won’t just say what you want to hear. I’ll give you my honest opinion, even if it’s unpopular, and if I make a mistake I’ll own up to it.”
  • Idealism: “I’m running because I want to be part of building a brighter future. We can accomplish anything if we put our minds to it. We’re facing a lot of tough problems, but I believe we can find solutions and achieve our potential.”
  • Inclusive: “I’m running to make sure our government serves everyone equally. Every voice matters. America works best when it works for all, with no one left out or left behind.”
  • Decisive: “My vision for America is clear and it won’t waiver. I am running because America deserves a strong leader who will protect our country and enforce our basic rules and values.”
  • Compromise/Unity: “I’m running to end the disunity and division tearing us apart. Bringing people together will require compromise. But there is more that unites us than divides us. We’re all in this together, and we will rise or fall together.”

Respondents were asked to rate, on a scale of 1-10, how appealing they found each campaign pitch.

Next week, we will take a final look at the results from this Sine Institute survey of young Americans to explore their views about the 2024 presidential election.

Discussion Questions

  1. Which of the eight excerpts above (competence, compassion, integrity, etc.) speak most directly to you? Least directly? Why?
  2. What is something that a political candidate could say that would help them appeal to you? Are you looking for the same things in political leaders as the people who responded to this survey?
  3. In your own words, how would you describe what you are looking for in a candidate for the presidency?

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Featured Image Credit: Sine Institute of Policy & Politics


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