Close Up Foundation has partnered with New Voice Strategies to offer the Preamble Project—free, immersive classroom materials for high school and middle school students that use an exploration of the Preamble to the Constitution to delve into such vital questions as: Who, in today’s America, are “We the People?” What aspirations inspire us? How do we pursue a “more perfect union?” The Preamble Project curriculum includes:
» Examining the Preamble to the Constitution
» Applying Values from the Preamble (Classroom Deliberation)
» Envisioning a More Perfect Union (Group Project)
» Securing a More Perfect Union (Project Presentations)
Access Preamble Project resources ahead of Constitution Day!
I learned that there’s a huge network of people with the same goals and drive as me…
and that our collaboration really could make a difference. It gave me hope for the future of our communities and our nation!
Close Up brought me CLOSER to politics…
the entire notion no longer seemed obscure. I became very involved in politics on the local and national level.
Close Up made me realize how SIGNIFICANT my thoughts and views are…
Although everyone will not always agree, everyone has a voice and needs to be heard.
I plan to introduce Close Up’s professional development to the teachers I work with…
and use this as a part of my school’s requirement that students take action on issues of local, national, and international importance.