Building Bridges – The Presidential Pardon
February 16, 2021
Podcast Host: Joe Geraghty | Podcast Contributors: Dr. Dan Wallace and Sante Mastriana
This episode of Building Bridges looks at the history of the Presidential Pardon. We will focus on a range of Presidential Pardons and Commutations given to people from all different backgrounds and crimes committed. Starting with pardons to Noah Hansen, Marcus Garvey, George Wilson, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Oscar Collazo, and wrapping up with Patty Hearst. Their crimes range from attempted presidential assassination to liberating slaves escaping on the Underground Railroad.
Part 1: Noah Hansen Pardon (00:51)
Part 2: Marcus Garvey Pardon (05:42)
Part 3: George Wilson Pardon (16:22)
Part 4: Brigham Young Pardon (20:03)
Part 5: Robert E. Lee/Jefferson Davis Pardons (27:19)
Part 6: Oscar Collazo Pardon (33:41)
Part 7: Patricia Hearst Pardon (53:04)