
Building Bridges – Controversial Elections in American History

November 13, 2020

Podcast Host: Joe Geraghty  |  Podcast Contributors: Dr. Dan Wallace and Sante Mastriana

This episode of Building Bridges looks at the three of the most controversial elections in American history. For this session, Joe Geraghty, Dr. Dan Wallace, and Sante Mastriana, we will drill down on the history behind three extremely close and even disputed presidential elections of 1800, 1824 and 2000.

Part 1: The Election of 1800 (01:35)
Part 2: The Election of 1824 (15:57)
Part 3: The 2020 Presidential Election (28:49)


2 thoughts on “Building Bridges – Controversial Elections in American History

  1. Incredibly interesting and timely. My students would love to hear the fine details associated with the elections of 1800 and 1824.

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