
Middle School Student Info

Your once-in-a-lifetime adventure awaits!

Get ready to discover DC!

Discover how the founding of our nation impacts us today! With Close Up’s educational student tours you will:

  • Have fun exploring the historic sites that reflect the events and people who have shaped our nation;
  • Travel through time to learn about our country’s history and how it impacts us today;
  • Experience the world-renowned Smithsonian museums where our country’s history, art, and culture come alive;
  • Discover meaningful connections between the political process and everyday life while getting an inside look on how Congress works; and
  • Make lifelong friendships as you exchange ideas with students from around the country!
  • Join Close Up Conversations to hear unique perspectives on current issues, policy, and politics!
Capitol Hill Interactive student learning Shadow

Ready to get started?

We can’t wait to see you on the next Close Up educational student travel program! To prepare for your upcoming adventure, you can: