Close Up partners with a variety of organizations to conduct special programs that inspire and empower young people to become engaged citizens. Through Close Up’s nonpartisan approach and expertise in designing effective programs for schools, these student leadership opportunities for high schoolers help our partners target communities and constituents, focus on specific policy issues, and invest in the development of future leaders.
Participation in a Close Up program requires parent or guardian approval for any participants under 18 years of age.
Six-Day Program
Four-Day Program
I plan to introduce Close Up’s professional development to the teachers I work with…
and use this as a part of my school’s requirement that students take action on issues of local, national, and international importance.
I learned that there’s a huge network of people with the same goals and drive as me…
and that our collaboration really could make a difference. It gave me hope for the future of our communities and our nation!
I think Close Up’s virtual program is an amazing experience…
As a government teacher, it’s nice to have more resources…
for teaching media literacy and having students critically think about the information they receive.