The Debate About Urban (Re)Design in the United States

Amidst the mosaic of national debates surrounding climate change, economic justice, and public health, there is a growing focus on the intersection of these issues and the design of our communities. The overwhelming majority of U.S. households own at least one vehicle, and the number of vehicles registered in the United States has continued to rise in recent years.1 Some argue that car dependency is a symptom of the design of American cities, others argue that it’s the cause.

Climate scientists have made the case that continued suburban sprawl and car dependency are detrimental to fighting climate change, and that urban life leads to a smaller carbon footprint.2 With Americans moving to the suburbs and out of urban and rural areas in greater numbers, many urban theorists and planners have been working to find ways to make cities more desirable places to live. Some communities around the country have already implemented radical programs with some measures of success.3

Highway History and Reckoning

The design of many U.S. cities is due to political battles in the early 20th century, when cities expanded rapidly. Typically, these cities expanded outwards rather than upwards. Many urban planners chose to build large highways to facilitate the movement of cars into and out of city centers each day.

In 2022, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg announced a $1 billion program, Reconnecting Cities, to help rectify the harm caused by 20th-century highway projects, particularly to lower-income areas and communities of color.4 This initiative, part of a larger investment in infrastructure by President Joe Biden’s administration, offers federal aid to cities and states that wish to add public transit, bike lanes, and/or highway crossings, or even partially remove highways.

The association of highways with racial justice drew some attention in the press, echoing a history of citizen action against highway construction in the 1950s.When the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads originally published the blueprint of the Interstate Highway System (all 41,000 miles of it), some Americans in larger cities pushed back on the urban redesign out of fear that the highways would disrupt or destroy certain communities. Citizens protested, blocked construction, and filed lawsuits. These efforts became known as the “highway revolts,” and they took place in cities around the United States, most notably in Washington, San Francisco, and New York City.5

A before and after of a small section of the Inner Loop removal project. Google Maps/City of Rochester

In recent years, some have pushed for the outright removal or urban redesign of the freeways that cut through the center of cities. One city that paved the way for urban freeway removal was Rochester, New York.6 The I-490 Inner Loop, a freeway that closely encircled downtown Rochester, was built in the 1950s and functionally divided the center of the city with a massive trench to bring commuters in and out of downtown. Starting in 2014, the city closed the eastern portion of the loop and began to fill it in with dirt, then paved a wide avenue with bike lanes, storefronts, and new housing in the form of apartments. The goal was to make downtown Rochester a more livable place. The popularity among residents was mixed, but the city considers the project a success and says it plans to remove further sections of the loop. Rochester transportation specialist Erik Frisch called the project “a bit of a proof of concept.”6

READ MORE: “Can Removing Highways Fix America’s Cities?” from the New York Times

Fifteen Minutes or Less?

Another concept that’s been gaining traction is the “15-minute city” design. Rather than requiring a personal vehicle to commute to work or school, go to the gym, visit friends, or buy groceries, residents of a 15-minute city design could reach all of these essential amenities within approximately 15 minutes by foot, bicycle, or public transportation. Internationally, Paris has led the charge on redesigning cities to dramatically reduce the need for personal vehicles. Mayor Anne Hidalgo championed the concept as a means to reduce emissions and fight climate change, and it was a major part of her reelection campaign. Streets were closed to vehicular traffic, old buildings were converted to housing or retail and office space, and new parks were built.8

TThe 15-minute city design concept was conceived by Carlos Moreno, a professor at Sorbonne University of Paris. Moreno advised Hidalgo for the Parisian effort, and now his ideas have spread to North America. Cities such as Cleveland, Portland, and San Jose have all expressed plans to redesign with this concept in mind.7 Fifteen-minute city proponents argue that denser neighborhoods can help urban planners make better use of land and allow people to live closer to work, school, and other amenities, so many are starting the effort by removing zoning ordinances that only allow for the building of single-family housing.

READ MORE: “’15-Minute City’ Planning is on the Rise, Experts Say. Here’s What to Know,” from the Washington Post

Highway removal and 15-minute city redesign have drawn detractors as well, both in the public sphere and in government. Critics argue that implementing the 15-minute city concept in the United States is considerably more difficult than it is in other countries, as our cities were largely designed during the automobile era. The transition would be very complex and resource-intensive, challenging social and economic habits and needs in American culture such as dependency on cars and perceptions of urban and public spaces. Highway removal projects also face opposition in some areas where they’ve been proposed. Rochester’s highway removal took two decades to get started, and it faced less opposition than it would have in other places (the portion of the highway removed carried very little traffic).

Still, urban redesign projects are often popular among Americans, especially younger generations, and may drastically change our cities in the coming decades.

Discussion Questions

  1. Should urban planners encourage these projects as a way to reduce car dependency and climate change?
  2. Would you prefer to live in a “15-minute city”? Why or why not?
  3. Does the urban design of the United States and its history being intertwined with racial injustice and segregation need a cultural reckoning?
  4. Can you think of any large- or small-scale projects that you’d like to see urban planners implement in your community?

How to Get Involved

Local city planning meetings are often open to the public and allow citizens to voice their opinions on new proposals. Check to see if there are any meetings in your community!

Related posts

As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.

Close Up is proud to be the nation’s leading nonprofit civic education organization, working with schools and districts across the country since 1971. If you would like to partner with us or learn more about our experiential learning programs, professional development, or curriculum design and consulting, contact us today! 



Featured Image Credit: Wikimedia; public domain
[1] Forbes
[2] Pew Research Center:
[3] Berkeley News:
[4] Associated Press:
[5] Bloomberg:
[6] New York Times:
[7] New York Times:
[8] Washington Post:


Middle East Conflict and the Regional and Global Impact

In the weeks since the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7, Israel has conducted a military campaign with the stated goal of eradicating Hamas as both a military and governing organization.1 The death toll in Gaza currently stands at around 22,000 Palestinians and 170 Israeli soldiers, in addition to the more than 1,200 people Hamas killed on October 7.2 While further negotiations over a second ceasefire are ongoing (as of January 3, 2024), officials in the United States and around the world are also concerned about broader regional and global conflict boiling over.3 Many in the United States share these concerns.4

For discussion of other aspects of the conflict, please see our previous posts about Israel and Hamas, including Teaching and Discussing the Conflict, Discussing Antisemitism and Anti-Islamic Bias, and U.S. Foreign Policy Decisions.

In this blog post, the final in our series exploring the Middle East crisis, we will take a look at the region surrounding Israel and Palestine and consider the challenges the United States faces in navigating it.

WATCH: “U.S. Working to Keep Israel-Hamas War from Spreading,” from CNN

Israel-Lebanon crisis

Lebanon shares a border with Israel, and there have been skirmishes between Israel and the terrorist group Hezbollah—which is based in Lebanon—several times in recent decades. In 2006, there was a month-long war in which almost 1,200 people died.5 Hezbollah remains a potent force in Lebanon. During this ongoing war in Gaza, Israel has also exchanged fire with Hezbollah militants along and across the Lebanon border.6 On January 2, senior Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri was killed in an explosion in a suburb of Beirut. Israel is widely believed to have carried out the attack.7

The Lebanese National News Agency condemned the killing, as did Hezbollah. Some see the strike as evidence that Israel is carrying out its stated goal to eradicate Hamas. The U.S. government continues to publicly support Israel’s actions taken since October 7.8 White House spokesperson John Kirby said, “Israel has a right and responsibility to go after the threat that Hamas poses, which means they have a right and responsibility to go after the leadership of Hamas.”9

Yemen’s Houthis

The Houthis—or Ansar Allah as they call themselves—are a Shiite Islamic movement that “has been fighting Yemen’s Sunni-majority government since 2004.”10 They are supported by Iran’s government, which is also Shiite. The Sunni-majority government in Yemen is supported by Saudi Arabia.11 One of the animating elements of Houthi ideology is to combat what they view as U.S. imperialism; they view Israel and Saudi Arabia—U.S. allies—as participants in the U.S. empire.12

In recent months, Houthis have launched dozens of attacks on ships traveling through the Red Sea. The United States has warned Iran that it might be held responsible for Houthi actions if this continues.13 Eighteen shipping companies are routing their vessels around South Africa to avoid Houthi attacks; this significantly increases shipping times and costs. As much as 15 percent of international trade typically flows through the Red Sea.

U.S. diplomat Christopher Lu said, “We also know that Iran has been deeply involved in planning operations against commercial vessels in the Red Sea.” He said the United States does not want a confrontation with Iran, but a confrontation is possible. “It can continue its current course,” said Lu, “or it can withhold its support without which the Houthis would struggle to effectively track and strike commercial vessels navigating shipping lanes through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.”14

U.S. Involvement in the Middle East Conflict

Both the Israel-Lebanon crisis and the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea have the potential to draw the United States into more widespread, significant conflicts in the region. Already, in Iraq and Syria, there have been over 100 attacks on U.S.-led coalition forces, and the United States has struck facilities used by militia groups who are also supported by Iran.15 On January 4, the United States carried out a drone strike in Baghdad that killed at least four members of an Iraqi militia group with ties to Iran.16

Iran plays an important role in supporting Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and many other militant and terrorist groups around the Middle East. Some political leaders in the United States are calling for a tougher stance against Iran that could include military action. For example, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said, “Without Iran there are no Houthis. … The Houthis are completely backed by Iran. I have been saying for six months now … hit Iran. They have oil fields out in the open, they have the Revolutionary Guard headquarters you can see from space. Blow it off the map. … If you really want to protect American soldiers, make it real to the ayatollah [that if] you attack a solider through a proxy, we’re coming after you.”17

Discussion Questions

  1. What questions do you still have about the Middle East crisis?
  2. What do you think the United States should do? What more would you want to know to help answer that question?
  3. How high a priority should the U.S. government put on each of the elements of the conflict discussed in this post?
  4. In general, do you support the continuation of the U.S. involvement in the Middle East conflict? Around the world? Why or why not?

As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.

Close Up is proud to be the nation’s leading nonprofit civic education organization, working with schools and districts across the country since 1971. If you would like to partner with us or learn more about our experiential learning programs, professional development, or curriculum design and consulting, contact us today! 


Featured Image Credit: Mass Communications Spc. 2nd Class Moises Sandoval/U.S. Navy via Associated Press
[1] NPR:
[2] The Guardian:; NBC News:
[3] NPR:; The Guardian:; CNN:
[4] PBS:
[5] International Committee of the Red Cross:
[6] CNBC:
[7] USA Today:
[8] Associated Press:
[9] USA Today:
[10] Wilson Center:
[11] Ibid.
[12] Peace Research Institute Oslo:
[13] Associated Press:
[14] Ibid.
[15] CNN:
[16] Fox News:
[17] Newsweek:


U.S. Foreign Policy Decisions in the Israel-Hamas Conflict: Part 2

As part of our ongoing series centered on the Israel-Hamas conflict, this post will review the U.S. foreign policy decisions. Part 1 of the series focused on the effects of the conflict within U.S. borders and the rise of antisemitism and Islamophobia. To complete the series, Part 3 in the coming week will review how the conflict may impact the interests of the United States in the Middle East more broadly.

What Has the United States Already Done in the Israel-Hamas Conflict?

There is a long history of the U.S. supporting Israel through foreign aid. In fact, Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. This has included between $3 billion and $5 billion in annual funding for military and missile defense spending since 2000.1

On October 20, 2023, President Joe Biden addressed the nation affirming the country’s commitment to its alliance with Israel. President Biden connected U.S. support for Israel in the fight against Hamas to support for Ukraine in repelling Russia’s invasion. In addition to accusing Iran of aiding both Hamas and Russia, President Biden argued that both conflicts represent struggles to preserve democracy. He also emphasized that Hamas must be destroyed, making a distinction between Hamas and the Palestinian people as a whole.2

Since the start of the conflict, the United States has positioned two Navy carrier groups in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel and the Biden administration has sought $14 billion in military aid for Israel. The administration has also helped negotiate the release of Israeli hostages during temporary truces and secured humanitarian aid for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.3

At present, there is a ceasefire: Gaza is receiving some humanitarian aid, Hamas is releasing some of the hostages it holds, and Israel is releasing some Palestinian prisoners. This ceasefire was negotiated through Qatari intermediaries with support from the United States and other nations. The ceasefire is not permanent; it is currently scheduled to end by November 30.4

WATCH: President Biden Remarks on Temporary Truces to Exchange Prisoners

Strongly Supporting Israel’s Response

The standing policy of every U.S. administration since Israel’s founding in 1948 has been a commitment to Israel’s right to exist. The United States has provided billions of dollars in aid and sales of military equipment to Israel as well as engaged in mutually beneficial joint operations and strategic coordination between militaries and intelligence agencies. Hamas’ attack on Israel, which killed more than 1,200 Israelis, represents one of the most significant terror attacks in Israel’s history and U.S. support for Israel shows no signs of wavering. Both countries have aligned on two primary goals for the conflict: the release of all 240 Israeli hostages and the elimination of Hamas.5

While some officials in Congress and the Biden administration have called for a ceasefire, the majority of Congress and the White House have remained in alignment with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by publicly opposing any formal ceasefire.

Those who argue against a formal ceasefire lay out several reasons for their opposition. They argue that such a policy would hinder the efforts to destroy Hamas and simply provide the organization time to recover and rearm, ultimately prolonging the conflict. They note that Hamas continues to be dedicated to the death and destruction of Israel; thus, Israel should not be expected to agree to a ceasefire after the brutal attack on its citizens. They argue that a ceasefire would delay the return of the rest of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas, as Hamas would no longer feel the pressure of military raids coming from Israel. Underscoring the need to secure the release of all hostages, freed Israeli prisoners have given accounts of their time in Hamas captivity and suffering or witnessing inhumane treatment, including starvation, family separation, torture, and execution. And Israeli officials have voiced their suspicions of any ceasefire agreement, given Hamas’ history of violating past ceasefires.6

READ: A History of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Conditional U.S. Support for Israel

While current levels of support for Israel among U.S. officials and the American public is high, there is a growing push for the United States to use its influence to bring the conflict to an end.7 Since the start of the conflict, nearly 15,000 Palestinians have died in the fighting and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in Gaza have been forced from their homes. Conditions in the Gaza Strip have deteriorated significantly, with many lacking adequate shelter, electricity, health care, food, and water.8 Additionally, as many of 1.7 million of the 2.3 million residents of Gaza have been displaced.9

Israel has come under increasing scrutiny from the international community, with some characterizing its tactics as indiscriminate or even accusing the country of war crimes. While these accusations are heavily politicized, international support for Israel has lessened as the conflict continues. Some 120 member countries of the United Nations have called for an immediate truce; notably, the United States and most of its European allies did not join this call.10

Criticism of U.S. support for Israel has even come under scrutiny within the State Department. The State Department makes a “dissent channel” available for staff to express their disagreement with official U.S. foreign policy. Normally, this channel is infrequently used, but it has seen significant volume since the start of the conflict, with participants questioning whether U.S. support for Israel is helping to create a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Most prominently, Josh Paul, director of congressional and public affairs at the State Department Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, resigned in protest, publicly stating that he found the administration’s approach to the conflict to be “short-sighted, destructive, unjust,” and contrary to American values.11

Critics of the U.S. foreign policy decisions have pointed to the lack of a clear end goal beyond destroying Hamas. They question the absence of a plan for what will become of Gaza and its Palestinian population when the conflict resolves.12 Some suggestions for how the administration might alter its policies have included:

  • Calls for an immediate and lasting ceasefire;
  • A commitment to increase support for Israel’s defense;
  • Prioritizing humanitarian aid for both Palestinians and Israelis;
  • Only endorsing and supporting tactics which protect civilians and human rights; and,
  • Having the United States act as a third-party to advance a political solution which will avoid future conflict.13

At present, while the Biden administration continues to caution Israel against unnecessary civilian casualties in Gaza, it has not significantly altered its policy of support for Israel.

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you agree or disagree with calls for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict?
  2. Does the United States have the right to impose conditions on its support for its allies or is it important for allies to remain fully committed to each other’s policies?
  3. President Biden has argued that the conflict between Israel and Hamas represents similar stakes for democracy as the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Do you agree or disagree?

Related Posts

As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.

Close Up is proud to be the nation’s leading nonprofit, civic education organization, working with schools and districts across the U.S. since 1971. If you would like to partner with us or learn more about our experiential learning programs, professional development, or curriculum design and consulting, contact us today! 



Featured Image Credit: Dave Decker/Creative Loafing/Axios


U.S. Politics and Policy During the Israel-Hamas Conflict: Part 1

This is the first in a series of posts that will explore complex domestic policy, foreign policy, and global issues connected to the Israel-Hamas conflict. In the United States, there has been significant discussion and debate about what to do, both in terms of foreign policy and on the domestic front. In this series, we will examine rising antisemitism and anti-Muslim hate in the U.S., evaluate what the United States could and should do in the Middle East from multiple perspectives, and examine the impact the conflict is having on the United States as it navigates issues in the region and around the world.


It has been over a month since Hamas executed a terrorist attack in Israel that killed over 1,200 people.1 (Initial reports put the death toll at over 1,400, but in early November, the Israeli government revised “the official number of people” killed by Hamas.2) In addition to those killed, Hamas took at least 150 hostages whom they are now holding in Gaza.3 Footage and reporting from October 7—including footage shot by Hamas itself—shows that Hamas militants committed rape and other acts of sexual violence during the attack.4 In the weeks since the terrorist attack, Israel has conducted a military campaign against Hamas in Gaza that has included bombing; blockading the city to cut off food, medical supplies, power, and communication; and sending ground troops to raid suspected Hamas strongholds.5 Gaza’s Health Ministry, which is run by Hamas, claims that over 11,000 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict, with the majority of those killed being women and children.6

The conflict has spurred antisemitic and anti-Muslim responses in the United States and many other nations around the globe. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, antisemitism is defined as prejudice against or hatred of Jews.7

For more resources that explain and explore antisemitism, see:

Islamophobia, or anti-Muslim hate, is “an extreme fear of and hostility toward Islam and Muslims which often leads to hate speech, hate crimes, as well as social and political discrimination,” according to Georgetown University’s Bridge Initiative.

For more resources that explain and explore Islamophobia, see:

Both antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate speech have been on the rise on social media platforms since the October 7 terrorist attacks. According to the New York Times, “Antisemitic content soared more than 919 percent on X and 28 percent on Facebook in the month since Oct. 7, according to the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish advocacy group. Anti-Muslim hate speech on X jumped 422 percent on Oct. 7 and Oct. 8, and rose 297 percent over the next five days, said the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a London-based political advocacy group.”

In addition to the online hate and incivility, biased anti-Muslim and Jewish incidents are also increasing in the United States. It is difficult to track bias incidents and hate crimes at the national level because of the ways that local law enforcement agencies gather and share such information. However, organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, organizations that track antisemitic and anti-Muslim bias respectively, both report significant increases.9 Additionally, major police departments, such as the New York Police Department, have reported substantial increases.10

The Department of Homeland Security has issued a warning that hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, and Arabs are likely to increase in “the near-to-medium term.”11 DHS warned that houses of worship, political demonstrations, and memorial services are all potential targets.12

WATCH: “Antisemitic and Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes on the Rise in the U.S.,” from NBC News

Discussion Questions

  1. What have you seen or heard about the Israel-Hamas conflict in your community? On your social media accounts?
  2. Have you seen or heard incidents of hate speech or bias in your community or online?
  3. How do you think institutions like schools and universities should respond to antisemitic or anti-Muslim speech and behaviors?
  4. How, if at all, do you think social media companies should respond?

As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.



Featured Image Credit: Mark Schiefelbein/Associated Press
[1] Close Up Current Issues Blog:
[2] NPR:
[3] Washington Institute for Near East Policy:
[4] Times of Israel:; Haaretz:
[5] New York Times:
[6] Washington Post:
[7] U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum:
[8] Bridge Initiative, Georgetown University:; New York Times:
[9] ABC News:
[10] Reuters:
[11] ABC News:
[12] Ibid.


Teaching and Discussing the Israel-Hamas Conflict

In last week’s post, we provided some background about what is happening in Israel and Gaza. In this week’s post, we offer some additional resources that could help students and teachers understand what is happening.

Axios gathered a list of people, places, and terms that could help people engage with news stories about the conflict.

U.S. News and World Report created a timeline, going back to 1896, that gives historical context to the conflict. Additionally, the Council on Foreign Relations created a timeline, going back to 1947, to help people understand the conflict.

Our partners at A Starting Point created this explainer about the fact that the U.S. Department of Defense is considering deploying troops to Israel in an advisory capacity.


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To provide additional context for debates about the role of the U.S. in the world, A Starting Point also has background videos on different views about foreign aid and the question of why the United States should commit resources to conflicts in other parts of the world.

Instead of discussion questions, we close this blog post with two questions for teachers:

  1. What are your goals when teaching about or discussing the Israel-Hamas conflict with your students?
  2. What resources have you found helpful when teaching about this challenging issue?

As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.



Featured Image Credit: Ammar Awad/Reuters


The Israel-Hamas War

HamasThe Hamas Attack Launches

On the morning of October 7, 2023, the militant Palestinian nationalist group Hamas unleashed an unprecedented terrorist attack against Israel. Over 5,000 rockets launched from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip (one of two semi-autonomous regions of Israel designated for Palestinian residents). These rocket attacks were immediately followed by thousands of Hamas fighters tearing down fences and barricades and crossing into Israel on trucks, on armored vehicles, aboard boats, on foot, and in some cases via small paraglider aircraft. Hamas killed over 1,400 Israelis, wounded over 3,000 more, and took over 200 Israeli hostages who remain in captivity.1

Hamas has claimed its actions are justified by what it views to be the criminal treatment of Palestinians in Israel by the Israeli government, citing the conditions Palestinians live under in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Israel has categorized the Hamas attack as unprovoked and unjustifiably brutal while also criticizing the role they have played in disrupting peace efforts and preventing government aid from reaching Palestinians living in Gaza.2

The Israeli Response

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that Israel is in a state of war. The ensuing counterattack by Israeli Defense Forces, including ground operations by Israeli troops and bombing attacks in Gaza, have claimed the lives of over 3,000 Palestinians and injured an additional 12,500.3 The IDF has begun to amass hundreds of thousands of soldiers along the border for an expected invasion of the Gaza Strip.4 As the air campaign has continued and the invasion is prepared, the Israeli government has issued an evacuation warning to the over one million Palestinians currently living in the northern part of the territory, leaving hundreds of thousands homeless.5 Another Israeli response has been to shut down water and electricity to the Gaza Strip which, as an already impoverished and overpopulated area, faces the possibility of a humanitarian crisis as access to food, shelter, clean water, and medical care dwindles.6

The Role of the United States and Allies

Adding to the stakes in the Israel-Hamas conflict have been a series of rocket and artillery exchanges between Israel and soldiers in southern Lebanon along Israel’s northern border on the opposite side of the country. These soldiers are suspected of belonging to another militant faction—Hezbollah—who have bases of power throughout Lebanon and Syria.7 Israel has also bombed airstrips in Lebanon and Syria in an effort to limit the supply lines of Hezbollah fighters.8 Hezbollah and Hamas have historically benefited from the support of many of Israel’s neighboring countries, particularly Iran. This has prompted suspicions that Iran may have been involved in both the Hezbollah and Hamas attacks.9 Meanwhile, Iranian officials have released statements warning Israel about the consequences of invading Gaza.10

While Israel does not have many close allies in the region and has been at odds with most of its Arab-majority/Muslim-majority neighbors since it was founded in 1948 (including several wars), Israel does benefit from strong relations with many powerful nations around the world, including most members of the European Union and, particularly, the United States. Since 1951, the United States has provided over $225 billion in military aid to Israel (adjusting for inflation), accounting for over 70 percent of all military aid Israel receives from other countries. U.S. aid to Israel accounts for a full 16 percent of Israel’s defense budget.11

In general, pro-Israeli policies are widely popular in the United States. Every president since 1948 has made a firm commitment to supporting the State of Israel and affirmed Israel’s right to defend itself; nearly every member of Congress has gone on record expressing the same.12 A small minority of U.S. elected officials have expressed criticism of Israel and its policies toward its Palestinian citizens, but these statements typically are met with fervent opposition by colleagues.13 However, the United States has also directed several billion dollars of aid to the Palestinian Authority over several decades.14

The U.S. role in the conflict was recently highlighted by two developments in the Israel-Hamas war. On October 17, a hospital in Gaza suffered a missile strike, drawing alarm from the international community. Initially, the strike was attributed to Israel. However, the IDF was quick to release intelligence suggesting that the incident was the result of a misfired missile from Islamic Jihad, a pro-Hamas faction within Gaza. The confusion surrounding the attack hung over President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel the following day, during which he announced an agreement between the United States and Israel to allow humanitarian aid to enter Gaza from Egypt under the conditions that it be subject to inspection and that it be kept from pro-Hamas forces.15

The Fear of Escalation

The strength of the U.S.-Israel alliance, as well as the staunch opposition to Israel by Hamas, Hezbollah, and most of its neighboring countries—many of which also have unfavorable views of the U.S. role in the Middle East—contributes to fears of escalation. As the well-armed and organized Israeli military prepares to take action in Gaza, speculation swirls around what actions the international community will deem acceptable and what might be considered going too far. Conversely, on top of launching the first strike, Hamas has encouraged Palestinians to refuse to comply with IDF evacuation warnings and prepare to fight, and has shown no willingness to end the fighting.16 The stakes of the conflict have left many wondering if the Israel-Hamas war can remain confined and others asking whether it should.17

Discussion Questions

  1. Should the international community, including the United States, take a more active role in the Israel-Hamas war? What kinds of actions do you think would be appropriate? Are there any actions which should be avoided?
  2. At least 30 American citizens were killed in the initial Hamas attacks that began the war. Does this give the United States the right to take direct military action itself? Should the United States take such action?
  3. As explained in the article, the United States currently provides foreign aid to both Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Should the United States continue to support both groups or should these priorities be re-evaluated?
  4. Several countries around the world, not including the United States, have shut down and even banned protests that express pro-Hamas or antisemitic (anti-Jewish) messages on the grounds that they promote violence. Do you agree with this policy? How, if at all, should the U.S. government or state/local governments address similar protests in the United States?


As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.



Featured Image Credit: Samar Abu Elouf/The New York Times


Young Americans’ Views on the 2024 Presidential Election

Over the last two weeks, we have explored results from American University’s Reimagining the American Dream Survey, conducted in partnership with Close Up, the Generation Lab, and the Millennial Action Project. This third and final post will examine Gen Z’s 2024 election views and ideas.

As a reminder, the survey from American University’s Sine Institute of Policy & Politics explored “what the American Dream actually means for young Americans, who are trying to sort through the churning dynamics shaping their lives, including: spiraling technological innovation, major economic transitions, changing attitudes about social justice, and what constitutes a good, or ‘successful,’ life after a devastating global pandemic with profound impacts on their physical and mental health, the extent of which is still unknown.” The 2024 presidential survey explored a broad range of issues, including the upcoming election.

The first major finding is that young Americans do not yet feel fully engaged or invested in the 2024 presidential election, even though a majority agree that the outcome of the election will have a major impact on their lives. Gen Z leans toward supporting President Joe Biden, but almost a third lean toward the Republican Party and a quarter of respondents are undecided.

When young Americans were asked to list the top three issues that will drive their decisions in 2024, four out of the top five issues they listed were economic issues. Health care (25 percent), the economy and cost of living (24 percent), affordable housing (24 percent), and issues related to the workforce (21 percent) were all listed as a top-three issue by at least 20 percent of respondents, indicating the extent to which Gen Z is thinking about the economy. Three other issues—reproductive rights (23 percent), the environment and climate change (21 percent), and gun violence (20 percent)—were also listed as top-three issues by at least 20 percent of respondents.

Of course, the 2024 election is still over a year away, so there is plenty of time for Gen Z—and all voters—to become more engaged, to reassess their priorities, and to reconsider their vote. This 2024 presidential survey is only a snapshot, but it is a snapshot of young Americans’ views, and Gen Z tends to be underrepresented in the political discourse. That makes this snapshot important and useful for those who care about engaging young people in U.S. democracy.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you begun to pay attention to the 2024 election? What are your thoughts and observations?
  2. How do your political preferences align with the views of young Americans in Image 1? Are you leaning toward a Democratic, Republican, or independent candidate, or are you undecided?
  3. How does the list of priorities in Image 2 compare to your own list? Is there an issue that you would rank more highly than health care, affordable housing, or the economy?
  4. Are there any issues that you would add to the list of priorities that young Americans identified? (see Image 2)

As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.



Featured Image Credit: EPA-EFE; AFP; Reuters (compiled by Straits Times)


Young Americans’ Views on Politics and Political Engagement

Last week, we introduced the results of American University’s Reimagining the American Dream Survey, conducted in partnership with Close Up, the Generation Lab, and the Millennial Action Project.

The survey explored “what the American Dream actually means for young Americans, who are trying to sort through the churning dynamics shaping their lives, including: spiraling technological innovation, major economic transitions, changing attitudes about social justice, and what constitutes a good, or ‘successful,’ life after a devastating global pandemic with profound impacts on their physical and mental health, the extent of which is still unknown.”

This week, we are examining what the results tell us about young Americans’ views of politics, political engagement, and civic life. One key finding is that youth involvement in politics includes a wide variety of activities like voting, signing petitions, volunteering for service organizations, and staying informed about issues.

The findings of this youth civic engagement survey also show how young people think about what they want from political action. In the image nearby (Image 2), we see which forms of political engagement are most effective. This shows that many respondents did not believe that working on a campaign, participating in demonstrations and rallies, or contacting elected officials are likely to be effective. However, they largely believe that voting in elections is effective.

What’s more, young people say that being effective and having an impact is the most important priority when they think about taking political action. They also view helping people and creating social and political change as highly important.

One piece of data that stands out in this survey is that young people do not rank convenience, ease, or the ability to do the work online as high priorities. These findings cut against a common narrative or stereotype about young people, that they will take action only if it is easy or can be done through social media.

Finally, the findings of this youth civic engagement survey show that young people have a clear agenda for political leaders. Topping the list of priorities is ensuring a healthy environment, offering quality education for all, and making higher education more affordable.

In next week’s blog post, we will look at the results of this survey one more time—to see what young Americans are saying about the 2024 presidential election.

Discussion Questions

  1. What political activities do you think are most effective? How do your responses match the views of young Americans in this survey (see Image 2)?
  2. What political activities, if any, have you engaged in? Why did you do those things in the past? What political activities could you see yourself participating in in the future?
  3. What do you want from your political engagement? How do your priorities match the survey respondents’ answers (see Image 3)?
  4. What issues are most important to you? How do your priorities match the survey respondents’ answers (see Image 4)?

As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.



Featured Image Credit: Pexels / Markus Spiske


For Young Americans, the “American Dream” Resonates Differently

How has the “American Dream” changed over time? In September, the Sine Institute of Policy and Politics at American University released the results of a survey of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34. The poll, which was conducted in partnership with Close Up, the Generation Lab, and the Millennial Action Project, explored “what the American Dream actually means for young Americans, who are trying to sort through the churning dynamics shaping their lives, including: spiraling technological innovation, major economic transitions, changing attitudes about social justice, and what constitutes a good, or ‘successful,’ life after a devastating global pandemic with profound impacts on their physical and mental health, the extent of which is still unknown.”

The report, based on interviews of 1,568 people between the ages of 18 and 34, offers important insights into young people’s understanding of the American Dream, the economy and workplace, major social and political issues, and community engagement. One key finding is that, while young people still believe in the idea of the American Dream, they view it differently than previous generations did. Marriage, owning a home, and having children are lower priorities than they were in the past. Being happy and fulfilled and having the freedom to make significant life decisions top the list of important elements of the American Dream of today’s young people.

A second finding is that, for young Americans, individual efforts and characteristics are the most important determining factors in their ability to achieve the American Dream. However, forces outside of their control, such as the economy and the decisions of elected officials, also play a significant role. For Black and Hispanic respondents, social conditions such as inequality, bias, and discrimination are viewed as vital factors. Respondents of color were also more likely to rate the decisions of policymakers as very important.

While young Americans view the policies and decisions of elected officials as important, they are skeptical of the capacity of politics and government to help them achieve the American Dream. Respondents were just as likely to say that social and economic policy has “done more to hold me back” than “to help me achieve the American Dream.” Additionally, respondents were almost twice as likely to say that “our political system, including the way we choose our elected officials,” has hindered their ability to achieve the American Dream than to say that it has helped.

In next week’s blog post, we will use results from this survey to take a closer look at young Americans’ views of politics, political engagement, and civic life.

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you believe in the American Dream?
  2. What does the American Dream mean to you?
  3. How important are the factors shown in the first image to your American Dream?
  4. Are you optimistic about your future? How about the future of the nation?
  5. How do the factors shown in the second image impact the way you think about your opportunity to achieve the American Dream?

As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.



Featured Image Credit: Biden image: Sine Institute of Policy & Politics, American University 


Should There Be an Age Limit on Public Officials?

Several recent incidents have caused the public, members of the media, and some elected officials to raise alarm bells about the advanced age of several government officials. President Joe Biden (age 80),1 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.; age 81),2 and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.; age 90)3 have all had moments in which they appeared confused, stammered, or in some way appeared to be not in control of their faculties. Nineteen members of Congress are at least 80 years old and the median age in the Senate is 65.4 Additionally, both President Biden and former President Donald Trump—the current frontrunners to be their parties’ presidential nominee in 2024—would be the oldest president ever elected.5

WATCH: “Is It Time for Age Limits for Politicians?” from CNN

In early September, Representative John James (R-Mich.) introduced a resolution to amend the Constitution to place a maximum age limit for politicians including the president, vice president, and members of Congress. If adopted, the amendment would bar people who would reach the age of 75 while in office from running for that office.6 According to a recent CBS News/YouGov poll, 76 percent of Americans either strongly support or somewhat support an age limit on elected officials.7 That number is up from 58 percent in a January 2022 poll.8

READ: Full Text of Representative James’ Resolution

According to an Axios breakdown of the polling data, many respondents felt that the rigors of the job of president are too demanding for someone over 75, and 80 percent of respondents feared that an elected official over the age of 80 would be out of touch with the times.9

While it is clear that public opinion is shifting on this issue, many also argue against using age as a factor. Nancy Jecker, a University of Washington bioethics and philosophy professor, argues, “Age is sometimes used as a marker for poor health. But it’s a really blunt instrument.” Instead, she argues, mental acuity tests would focus on specific job-related functions.10

Presidential hopeful and former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley proposed that elected officials over the age of 75 be compelled to take mental competency tests.11 Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.; age 81) pushed back on the idea: “I think that’s absurd. … We are fighting racism, we’re fighting sexism, we’re fighting homophobia, I think we should also be fighting ageism.”12

While the amendment introduced by Representative James would have a long road to ratification, it is clear that political leaders and the public are more open to a maximum age limit for politicians than in previous years, and age may play a role in many voters’ decisions.

Discussion Questions

  1. What have you heard or seen about the age of political figures in recent months?
  2. Do you believe there should be an upper age limit on people who hold elected office? Why or why not?
  3. Do you agree with Senator Sanders and others who call age limits and cognitive tests ageist? Why or why not?

Potential Follow-Up Action

Because the amendment to impose an upper limit on the age of members of Congress, the president, and the vice president is very new, many members of Congress have not weighed in. This is a good time to make your voice heard on this issue. Read the full text of the amendment (H.J. Res. 87).

Once you have an opinion on the issue, reach out to your members of Congress to make your opinion known. If you don’t know your members of Congress, you can find their names and contact information here.

As always, we encourage you to join the discussion with your comments or questions below.



Featured Image Credit: Biden image: Nhac Nguyen/AFP via Getty Images | McConnell image: Jacquelyn Martin / AP
[1] Newsweek:
[2] NPR:
[3] Ibid.
[4] Fox News:
[5] NBC News:
[7] YouGov:
[8] YouGov:
[9] Axios:
[11] The Hill:
[12] The Hill: