
Alumni Hub

Your portal for news, activities, tips, and advice for Close Up alumni ages 12-22!


Tune in as we give voice to youth priorities ahead of Election Day!

Calling all Close Up alumni! Join Close Up President Mia Charity, Close Up Chief Innovation and Programs Officer Lindsay Greenberg, and Associate Director of the Deliberative Democracy Lab (DDL) at Stanford University Alice Siu to unpack the data and impact of America in One Room: The Youth Vote. The inaugural event took place in July 2024, gathering a nationally representative and scientific sample of over 400 first-time voters to deliberate key policy issues facing the nation. We’ll highlight key findings on youth priorities ahead of Election Day and share additional opportunities for deliberation this election season!

Upcoming Webinars: 

America in One Room: Data and Impact on First-Time Voters Ahead of the Election 


Join Close Up, Stanford, and peers nationwide for an online deliberation this fall!

Deliberation has been shown to alleviate polarization, moderate opinions, and produce lasting effects on policy opinions, voting intention, and mutual respect. That’s why Close Up and DDL are hosting free, ongoing, online deliberations this fall using Stanford’s AI-assisted Online Deliberation Platform. Each event includes 60 minutes of small-group deliberation on current policy issues followed by a 60-minute plenary session with experts and policymakers, giving you a chance to learn from an array of perspectives and form your own considered opinions.   

Dates for upcoming national online deliberations include: 


Houston, we’re solving problems.

This July, Close Up partnered with Houston Independent School District for the first annual HISD Civic Ambassador Training, a three-day intensive program at the University of Houston’s downtown campus. Students engaged with their peers from other schools, role-played and heard from local government officials (including Houston City Councilor Mary Nan Huffman), and learned about the power of their votes in local elections. 



Is gun violence a public health concern?

About a year ago, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham declared gun violence in Albuquerque a public health emergency and issued a 30-day ban on carrying firearms in public areas and state-owned property in the region. We explored this issue on our Current Issues Blog: Is gun violence an issue in your community? Do you think gun violence is an issue that should be treated as a public health concern? 



What’s up at Close Up?

In July 2024, Close Up celebrated 20 years of partnership with Bank of America by bringing approximately 300 Student Leaders from all over the country to Washington, D.C. These remarkable young people enjoyed a Bank of America Student Leader Summit filled with civic learning, discussions about their economic futureeven a surprise seminar with Captain America/A Starting Point Founder/Close Up partner Chris Evans! 

Capitol Hill DC Shadow

Looking for an internship in Washington?

Want to get your foot in the door? See who’s looking for interns in our nation’s capital!   

  • The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, a valued partner of Close Up, offers a paid Congressional Internship Program for undergraduate students and recent graduates. Applications launched on August 15! 
  • On Capitol Hill, check out the House and Senate employment bulletins. If a move to Washington isn’t possible just yet, reach out to your representative’s district office about local opportunities.   
  • Interested in working in journalism? The NBCUniversal Internship Program has roles all over the country and Fox 5 DC offers an unpaid academic credit program for college juniors and seniors. 
  • Colleges often have advising and career resources—check with your school to see if they can help you find a Washington internship!   

How do you write a great resume?

  • Don’t forget the basics! Include contact information like your address, phone number, and email.  
  • Don’t simply list the responsibilities of a past job; use action verbs to describe what you did in the role. Highlight the skill used, not the task performed.  
  • In addition to work experience, list any scholarships, academic accolades, or extracurricular organizations. 
  • List valuable skills, such as proficiency in a particular computer program or the ability to speak more than one language.  
  • Keep it concise. Don’t overwhelm employers with details. Help them focus on the important information.  
  • Consider the format. Keep your resume clear and organized to keep the reader’s attention.  
  • Use formal language. Avoid using personal pronouns like “I” or “we.”  
  • Proofreading is essential! Consider having a friend or parent look over your resume to catch any errors you may have missed.

We want to highlight you!

Where has life taken you since your Close Up experience? What have you carried with you from your time in Washington? Share your story with us—we would love to spotlight your reflections, insights, and achievements!

“I absolutely love and cherish my time with the
Close Up program. It was one of the best times in my high school journey. I got the opportunity to learn about D.C., U.S. government, and how you can always make a difference in your community by working together for the common good. In addition to all the learning, I made lifelong friends from places all over the nation and world whom I would have never met if I had not done the program. We are currently trying to plan a trip together to meet up with one another!”

Jacqueline F., Close Up Alum, 2002