

Background and Context

These educational resources will help students develop a thorough understanding of Foreign Policy and make connections between historical events, current conversations, and current policy proposals surrounding the issue. This section includes all of the context and content previously included in Close Up’s public policy chapters.  


U.S. Foreign Policy in Historical Context

How has U.S. Foreign Policy changed throughout our history? Learn More >

U.S. Foreign Policy in Current Context

What is current U.S. Foreign Policy? Learn More >

Current Issue Debates

Current Issue Debates are framed by a central question and followed by historical context, an overview of both sides of the topic, and discussion questions to facilitate deliberation in the classroom.


The Cuba Trade Embargo

Available for Middle & High School

Should Congress lift the Cuba trade embargo? Learn More >

Tariffs Against China

Available for Middle & High School

Should the United States end its retaliatory tariffs against China? Learn More >

Executive War Powers

Should Congress pass legislation to limit executive war powers? Learn More >

U.S. Aid To Ukraine

Available for Middle & High School

Should the United States continue to provide military equipment to Ukraine in its war with Russia? Learn More >

Banning TikTok

Available for Middle & High School

Should the U.S. government ban TikTok? Learn More >

Videos from Policy Makers

Brought to you by ASP HOMEROOM, through a collaboration between Close Up Foundation and A Starting Point, these supplemental videos are an introduction to policy areas that provide an opportunity for students to hear different perspectives directly from lawmakers.


Russia – US Relations

Congressmen Jim Himes (D-CT) & Chris Stewart (R-UT)
June 16, 2021

Human Rights in China

Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) & Congressman Michael Waltz (R-FL)
March 31, 2021

Afghanistan Troop Withdraw

Congresswoman Lois Frankel (D-FL) & Congressman Michael Waltz (R-FL)
May 7, 2021

Lesson Plans

These ready-to-use lesson plans can be utilized in conjunction with any of our resources to enhance the quality of student discourse in the classroom. Our supplemental Civic Readiness Guide provides a recommended lesson plan sequence for using our Current Issues resources.


Additional & Archived Resources on Foreign Policy


Found 50 Results
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Revisiting Jimmy Carter’s “Crisis of Confidence” Speech

Post | March 8, 2023

On February 18, the Carter Center released a statement saying that former President Jimmy Carter had opted to spend “his remaining time at home” following a number of hospital stays and declining health.1 News of the 98-year-old former president’s condition has brought an outpouring of support and renewed attention to his life and legacy as […]

Understanding the Iranian Hijab Protests

Post | September 30, 2022

In recent days, Iran has been gripped by a series of mass protests that have gained international attention. The protests, largely led by women, are somewhat unprecedented. While both protest and women’s participation in protests in Iran are not new, the protests of the past two weeks are remarkable as the first of such scale […]

Ukraine and the 2022 State of the Union Address

Post | March 10, 2022

On March 1, 2022, President Joe Biden delivered his first State of the Union address. He hit on several major topics that have impacted the nation over the last year. This post will focus on the president’s discussion of the most recent and pressing global issue: the Russian invasion of Ukraine. READ MORE: The Russian […]

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Post | March 1, 2022

On January 26, we posted about the deteriorating situation in Ukraine. Since then, Russia has invaded Ukraine and surrounded the capital, Kyiv. More than half a million refugees have fled the country and at least 136 civilians, including 13 children, have been killed.1 What Has Happened Since Then? February 21: The Russian government recognizes the […]

What Is Happening in Ukraine?

Post | January 26, 2022

President Joe Biden has ordered the Pentagon to put 8,500 U.S. troops on heightened alert for a possible deployment to Europe.1 And the State Department has told the families of U.S. diplomats in Ukraine to leave the country as the possibility of a Russian invasion increases.2 So, what is the situation in Ukraine? Background on […]

Another Hot One: 2021

Post | January 18, 2022

It’s official: 2021 was either the fifth or sixth hottest year on record, depending on who you ask. On January 13, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued reports saying that 2021 was the sixth hottest year ever recorded, going back to when record-keeping began in 1880.1 Earlierin the week, the Copernicus […]

Brackeen v. Haaland: Challenging the Indian Child Welfare Act

Post | October 27, 2021

The case of Brackeen v. Haaland is currently facing the U.S. Supreme Court. The case calls into question the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978. The two major questions in the case are: (1) Is the ICWA unconstitutional on the basis of racial discrimination because of its favoring of Native families […]

The United States’ Exit from Afghanistan

Post | September 8, 2021

After 20 years of U.S. troops maintaining a presence in Afghanistan, the United States began the process of ending its longest war by removing military forces from the region. Ever since he was vice president, President Joe Biden has been a strong advocate for reducing the scope of the military mission in Afghanistan in order […]

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